7 Benefits of Study Groups 

1. Support 

When students work together in groups towards common goals, they can motivate each others toward the goal. I started mine one year ago through whatsapp while I did not know about Holmesglen Community. Now it is much easier as you can start your own group through Holmesglen community or any other social media. 



When students participate in the group, they tend to stay-up-to-date with class assignments and test. This help to be well prepared and summit in a timely matter. 


3. Discussion and Communication 

Student group can help you develop as a student, person, and professional. eg strong communication skills, creativity and problem solving skills. 


4. Learn from others

Everyone have unique talents and perspectives. Student groups allow you to share your skills as well as learning form others.


5. Compare class notes

You can compare your class notes with other students if you miss something. 


6. Teaching concepts to the other group members

Teaching/explaining information and concepts to the other group members will help you reinforce your memory of the learning materials. If you can teach, you will become the master of the subject. 



Study groups is fun. In my experience, we are not only discuss academic questions, but also share lots of laughs and problems. As a result, we built up trust and amazing friendship. 


I am a second year student of Bachelor of Accounting and hope these advice are useful for new students.Enjoy your study journey:)