Setting up a Safe Space For Telehealth Appointments

It’s important to think about what will help you feel safe and comfortable to have an open and honest conversation with your health professional, including counsellors. A private and confidential space is recommended where you can sit comfortably without distractions. It may not always be easy to find but here are some things to consider when you want to create a safe space to talk to your counsellor:

  • Do I feel safe speaking to my counsellor in my home?
  • Is there somewhere else on the property where I can alone?
  • Should I go for a walk to get space from family members and is private where I won’t be overheard by others walking by?
  • Have some water and tissues nearby in case the conversation brings up a lot of emotions for you.
  • You can discuss a plan with your health professional if you think someone may walk in when you are on the phone.

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Make an appointment with a Counsellor at Student Wellbeing for free and confidential support. Call 9564 1649 or email to make an appointment.