Motivating Yourself to Complete Your Studies Online at Home

Here are 7 tips to build your motivation to complete your studies as you are online learning:

  1. Divide your time – Try short blocks of time where you can study without disruption. Remember to have breaks in between each study session.
  2. Determine how much work is needed. – Try writing a plan of your assignment so you can work out how much time to allow for and not be caught out by due dates!
  3. Break large projects into small ones (to maximise efficiency and effectiveness). Rather than aim to work on the entire task at once, which can often feel overwhelming, work on the smaller tasks to work towards your goal of finishing the project. This makes the project less daunting and easier to achieve.  
  4. Set goals – SMART goals; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.
  5. Remove distractions and put your phone on silent or flight mode. 
  6. Reward and treat yourself after study sessions!
  7. Be flexible and kind to yourself

These tips will help you build good strategies for yourself to manage your learning, even if face-to-face classes start again.

For more information, please see link: 

For more information about creating a SMART goal, please see link: