Securing work in the current climate can be challenging. If you’re on the job hunt, here are some handy tips and resources to help you on your journey.


Get in touch with Holmesglen’s Skills and Jobs Centre

Our Skills and Jobs Centre is here to support you in finding employment by connecting you with new job opportunities with industry partners. They can meet with you one-on-one (currently run online and via phone) to provide the personalised support you need while searching for jobs. Through their skills assessment process, they can also help you identify your current skillset and determine the areas where you may need to upskill. Check out the Skills and Jobs Centre Online Community page for upcoming webinars.


Know where to go to find job vacancies

In Australia, Seek has long been a go-to resource for those looking for work, as well as companies that need to advertise vacant positions. You’re likely aware that LinkedIn has also emerged as a fantastic platform to find out about available jobs, learn more about particular companies (that you can follow) and expand your professional network. It allows you to create your own profile and promote the skills and experience that you can bring to a position or company, to an audience of recruiters and industry professionals. CareerOne and Indeed are also great job search tools.

Industry websites often host job vacancies, for example the Victorian Tourism Industry Council’s jobs board. If you know exactly who you want to work for, consider following them on Facebook –sometimes job opportunities can be promoted here as well.


Get your name out there

Networking can be a huge help in securing a role, so make sure to reach out to friends, teachers and professional connections to let them know you’re looking for work. You never know who will be able to connect you to your next opportunity!

Volunteering and interning can also help you build your network as well as your skills. Look out for opportunities on sites like, and  


Visa conditions

Make sure you’re aware of the conditions of working on a visa and the permitted hours. For up to date information visit:


Be work ready

As an international student working in Australia, you have the same work place protections as everyone else. Make sure your familiar with your workplace rights to ensure your employment conditions are in line with the law. Take a look at the attached Work Ready Fact Sheet or visit:  


