Tips on How to Make the Most of Virtual Meetings & Classes

  1. Video On (To establish social connection and be able to participate)
  2. Active Facilitation (Rotate a facilitator role especially in virtual study groups or meetings to avoid awkward moments or silences between topics)
  3. Acknowledge Reality (it’s important to discuss that this isn’t the norm for how we do things! Taking a moment to discuss the challenge of working remotely makes people feel connected) 
  4. Gentle Mandatory Participation (It’s important to be inclusive and invite everyone to share and contribute; this could be a part of the facilitator’s role)
  5. Introductions (This is important for if you don’t know each other or know each other very well!)
  6. Make it Personal (Devote time in the meeting to sharing something personal about yourself or simply being social and discuss your feelings and concerns. We are all in the same position with the current uncertainty!)
  7. Learn Something New (Take the opportunity to learn from your team members knowledge and experience)
  8. Enable Chat in Big Meetings (This is good for those who may have weaker internet connections to still be able to participate)
  9. Team Practices (Maintain routines and rituals such as meeting at the same time as you would have face to face or follow the regular agenda)
  10. Experiment (It is important to keep trying and adapt online meetings to achieve the common goal!)


For more information, please refer to

Also, remember that you can schedule an appointment to speak to a counsellor at Student Wellbeing by calling 9564 1649 or via