Powerpoint Presentations Tips

Learning Skills Centre Jo G
Learning Skills Centre Jo G Holmesglen Staff • 11 September 2019
"20151111_093358" by cmboyce07 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

If your audience looks like this when giving a presentation, that's not OK!

Maybe it's because you suffer from glossophobia. Even if you haven't heard of the word, you may have experienced it.

It’s the fancy way of saying fear of public speaking, an anxiety that probably affects us all at some time.

For some it’s their biggest fear. However, communicating your ideas is a valuable skill worth developing for both your studies and life.

And in many courses Powerpoint presentations are required.

Not confident?

Here’s some tips;

Firstly, decide what is the purpose of your talk. Why you are presenting and to whom? 

The answers to these questions will change how you present.

What is your structure?

(Usually: introduction, body & conclusion)


Greet the audience and introduce yourself

Explain the purpose of the presentation

Grab the attention of the audience with a question or interesting fact


A different slide for different topics

Write in dot points

Don’t overcrowd the slide with text


Summarise the presentation

Thank the audience for listening

To finish: Any questions?

REMEMBER READING IS NOT PRESENTING!  Think about your body language, tone and pace of your voice, the energy you’re bringing to the topic. If you’re not excited, the audience certainly will not be.

UNSURE OF HOW TO create a POWERPOINT presentation?

Approach a friendly Learning skills teacher for advice



We are happy to listen and provide feedback.


What about you? Do you have any tips on presenting you'd like to share? You can do so in community.